




In the 21st century, our society has entered the information era, and the establishment of information management systems has greatly improved people’s information level. Traditional management methods have too many restrictions on time and place, and online management systems can just meet these needs. Online management systems break through the limitations of traditional management methods. Therefore, this article designed and implemented a spring boot based antique life experience exchange website to address this need, in order to simplify and effectively solve various issues.
This article describes the ancient lifestyle experience exchange website. Combining the characteristics of the electronic management system, this paper analyzes the background of the ancient style life experience communication website, and provides a design scheme for the implementation of the ancient style life experience communication website.
This paper mainly completes the division of permissions for different users. Different users have different operating functions with different permissions. In the user module, there are mainly users who register and log in. Users can view Hanfu culture, Hanfu clothing, exchange forums, and modify personal information; In the administrator module, administrators can perform corresponding operations on users, dynasty information, Hanfu culture, Hanfu clothing, clothing categories, forum classification, communication forums, and so on.
Key words: Ancient lifestyle experience exchange website; Spring boot framework;

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