农产品品牌策划方案_小程序二维码怎么获取_南通如何做网络营销_网站建设建议书 Design of game website


Based on the vigorous development of online games, game websites play an important role in attracting players and improving the interaction between players. Therefore, a game centered game official website has been built. The game provides a large-scale player exchange and interaction platform, including user management, game community, game information, classification information, game information, forum classification list, news classification list and so on.

The game website is based on node JS and MySQL as the development environment, using node JS dynamic web page technology constructs a game website on the network, which perfectly combines foreground publishing and background management to provide users with a good communication platform. Adam has high scalability, scalability, security, portability and maintainability.

Taking the game as the main line, this paper first introduces the development status and development background of the game website system, then discusses the design objectives, system analysis, design and implementation of the system, and designs the class diagram, use case diagram, activity diagram, sequence diagram, system flow diagram and system function module of the system. Finally, the game website system is tested with relevant software.

Key words: node. js; Mysql database; Game website









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