


世界工厂网 b2b平台?


The fast-paced development of the modern economy and the continuous improvement and upgrading of information technology have allowed the management of traditional data information to be upgraded to software storage, induction, and centralized management of data information. This book lending system was born in such a large environment, which can help managers to process huge data information in a short time. Using this software tool can help managers improve transaction processing efficiency and achieve double the result with half the effort. This book lending system uses the current mature and perfect SSM framework, cross-platform Java language that can be used to develop large-scale commercial websites, and Mysql database, one of the most popular RDBMS application software, for program development. It realizes the functions of book basic data management, book borrowing and return, review of registered teacher information, and announcement information release. The development of the book lending system is designed to be simple and beautiful according to the needs of the operator. The layout of the function module is consistent with the same type of website. When the program realizes the basic requirements, it also provides some practical solutions for the security problems faced by the data information. . It can be said that this program not only helps managers efficiently handle work affairs, but also realizes the integration, standardization and automation of data information.
Key Words:Book borrowing system; SSM framework; Mysql; automation

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