北京企业网站搭建_企业网站设计总结_表格制作教程_重庆网站制作机构 Abstract

With the development of high-tech, computer networks have been widely applied in various fields, and every industry is undergoing technological reforms. The most important thing is that computers have improved the accuracy and efficiency of management. In many universities, computers have been used to manage various documents. Compared to graduates like us, a large number of people is the biggest management problem, So developing an undergraduate thesis management system to manage is very important for our school.

The requirements for publishing graduation theses over the years have reached students, and this process takes a long time because it is based on text and the speed of communication will be slow. For manual processing of paper media such as text and tables, as well as verification and statistics of document conditions, some staff still manually complete them, which increases the workload and error rate. The system is mainly developed using Java and SSM technology, solving these basic problems, At the same time, the teaching and research department has achieved the review of the advisor's paper titles, as well as the statistics of students' final grades.

This system mainly implements the publication of thesis grades and project tasks in the undergraduate thesis management system, which saves time for the teaching and research department to review the topics. At the same time, it also allows the guidance teacher and students to quickly communicate the progress of the graduate thesis, and can manage the thesis more standardized. At the same time, it also reduces management costs and improves management efficiency. Developing such a management system is beneficial for improving teaching management, Improving teaching quality has important value, novelty, and practicality.

Keywords: Undergraduate thesis management system; Java; SSM; MYSQL








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