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In recent years, China's tourism market has maintained rapid growth. Despite the impact of the COVID-19, the recovery and development of the industry has shown a positive trend since this year. With the development of tourism, modern information technology, represented by the Internet, is bringing about "butterfly changes" in the tourism industry, helping to accelerate the recovery of the tourism market. Smart tourism is characterized by digitization, networking, and intelligence, introducing technologies such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing, and 5G into tourism experience, industry development, and management to meet the growing material and cultural needs of the people, and promote the modernization of the tourism governance system and governance capabilities.

From early online search for travel agencies, online search for travel strategies, and now online booking of scenic spots tickets, modern information technology represented by the Internet has driven round after round of travel service innovation. The tourism website of Bendibu County is developed based on practical application, and through the system, tourism related information can be uniformly managed, facilitating the retention of information. Users can quickly query information about scenic spots and hotels through the system, and book tickets and hotels. The accelerated application of Internet technology in the tourism industry has not only brought about changes in the consumption mode, but also changed the supply mode of tourism services. The system is mainly divided into two modules: ordinary users and administrators. The system's functional modules include public management (carousel maps, notification announcements), user management, forum management, information management, attraction information, reservation of attractions, hotel information, hotel reservation, peripheral products, product purchase, tourism activities, participation in activities, etc. The system communicates with the server through a browser to achieve data exchange and change.

This article aims to design and implement a fully functional, user-friendly, and scalable tourism website for Diebu County. The system will use the SSM framework to build backend services, use JSP technology to implement dynamic pages, use Java language for coding, and use MySQL database to store and manage data. Through scientific management methods and convenient services, the tourism website of Diebu County can improve work efficiency and reduce errors and omissions in data storage. It will become an efficient and convenient tool to help users better intelligently travel and achieve functions such as participating in tourism activities, booking attraction tickets, hotel reservations, and transportation booking information.

Keywords: Java; SSM framework; Diebu County Tourism Website; MySQL



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